
Thursday, April 29, 2010

Book Critique

I read Legalizing Marijuana by Paul Ruschmann to help better understand the issue. Ruschmann's book is written in a point and counterpoint format. Every chapter has a point and its counterpoint on the issue of marijuana legalization. In the first section Ruschmann points out that prohibition was not successful in the 1920s, so marijuana prohibition will not be successful in this day and age. He states that "Fear, ignorance, and prejudice all played a part in making marijuana illegal in this country"(Ruschmann 49). In section two he argues that Marijuana is too dangerous to be legal, since it is a newer substance to America. He counterpoints this statement by saying that the dangers of marijuana are highly exaggerated in hopes to keep Americans scared of the substance. In the next section Ruschmann goes on to explain that the enforcement of marijuana laws are uneven, ineffective and wasteful. The counterpoint is obviously that marijuana laws should be strictly enforced to preserve society and its morals. Ruschmann then continues by making a counterpoint that if America did relax marijuana laws then we would see other problems arise such as crime, death, and substance abuse. The counterpoint presented to this is that relaxing marijuana laws would make a large number of Americans happy and content with the justice system.

To be completely honest this book presented both sides of the argument for marijuana legalization equally well. I really enjoyed reading the book from the point/counterpoint format. It was like reading a debate that presented both arguments extremely well. Because I have been reading several other sources and opinions about marijuana legalization I sided more the anti- legalization while reading. I noticed Paul Ruschmann adding in his opinion every now and then throughout the book, and overall I think he is for the legalization of marijuana.

Based upon some of the comments Ruschmann made throughout the book I believe he is for the legalization. Sorry Ruschmann but I disagree with you big time on that. I agree with the chapter that said marijuana is too dangerous for its newly attracted users. I think that if marijuana laws were relaxed society would be giving in to a detrimental substance that would harm the present generation and generations to come. I was very surprised that this book did not mention much about the legalization of marijuana based on what it can be used for medically. That is typically a strong point in the pro legalization platform and it was only briefed upon in Ruschmann's book.

Ruschmann, Paul. Legalizing Marijuana. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Chelsea House Publishers, 2004. Print.

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